With waxwings I met quite late. In the past, I not dealt with bird watching, and this bird you can see in the winter and not every year. It just so happens that a couple of years there They would appear with us. As soon as I tried to photograph them. This was not always possible.

Sometimes their stay was very short and it was hard to get close to the desired distance. Now we have snow and cold days. Waxwings saw on the old high lime tree next to the garden with viburnum shrubs and wild rose that took a lot of fruit. During the first two days ate fruit viburnum, then rose fruits. When the fruit ran out, the waxwings flew away after 4 days stay. Take a good photo is not easy. Did not do special preparation, and only I used a tripod. Weather also not conducive to cloudy, from time to time, it was snowing. Here are the pictures.